
Politics and other nonsense

Location: Ohio

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

They aint listenin' to the citizens

Do any of these eggheads hear what the American people are saying?

This isn't about left or right this is about the federal goverment not fulfilling it's promises to us on every front. We have paid billion upon billion in taxes and all we get is jerk offsd riding around in bulletproof limo's spouting invective that is so churlish and hateful I consider them to have declared war on America.
They shipped our jobs overseas. In the last 6 years average incomes have dropped 6 to 8 thousand per year. Our ports are wide open receptacles for any foreign horror to come waltzing in at will. Our border to the south is a joke. Pure and simple. Who's up next to shit on us? We welcome any and all who hate us and want to use us and throw us away.
If I see one more twentysomething little Mexican cutie wrapped in OUR flag I am going to run into the streets screaming. After our government sells us out to the Mexicans and insults every REAL citizen in the land and we are completely raped of our dignity maybe then they will be happy. For we will have given away all of our rights and surrendered all that it is to be an American. Wanna be an American. Sure just walk across the Mexican border. Those idiots will give you free health care and a job the first day you are there ILLEGALLY!
No wonder the world is laughing at us more and more each and every day. With friends like Mr Graham who is a United States senator no less we sure don't need any enemies. He should be taken out and shot for treason.
- andyboy, 04.11.2006 from a post at Huffington Post


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