
Politics and other nonsense

Location: Ohio

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

"Ill do everything I can to avoid a War" said President Bush.


US gave date of war to Britain in advance, court papers reveal
By Colin Brown, Deputy Political Editor
27 October 2004

Secret plans for the war in Iraq were passed to British Army chiefs by US defence planners five months before the invasion was launched, a court martial heard yesterday.

The revelation strengthened suspicions that Tony Blair gave his agreement to President George Bush to go to war while the diplomatic efforts to force Saddam Hussein to comply with UN resolutions were continuing.



Thursday, October 21, 2004

Compassionate Conservaive? Not

"Faith Without Works" by Amy Sullivan

Matt Miller Online

Matt Miller Online

Were not as divided as you think..

Saturday, October 16, 2004


Friday, October 15, 2004

some thoughts on this election mess

So whats the deal with the goddamn republicans wanting to supress the voters?

Ive read at least three instances of corruption involving the GOP and efforts by them to erase voters from the chance at placing a vote. What the heck do they have to gain but ruined reputations by a country sick to death of all the corruption permeating our lives.

I read that most new voters are Democratic and theres a huge push to out Bush. The main reason being Iraq and the stagnant economy. Hes the first Pres since the depression to lose jobs. Thats really fuckin awful on a resume .

I read about the ABB crowd. (anybody but Bush.)

How bad would you have to be to have voters saying they would vote for ANYONE but you??? " Id rather vote for Jeffrey fukin Dahmer than to vote for Bush" Now that is BAD !

Well the polls are dead even. Looks like 2000 all over again. Great.
