
Politics and other nonsense

Location: Ohio

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Liberal media ...riight

I just got done going through my local newspapers editorial page and there's a guy named Brent Bozell writing about how liberal media is shorting the poor President.

How can any sane person believe media is skewered left?

There are about ten to one conservative to Liberal writers represented on the Evening Review (local rag) which is the norm on smaller local newspapers.

The numbers are at least 5 to one conservative to liberal hosts on television with their own "news" shows on cable. MSNBC has way more right wing hosts such as the bow tied Tucker Carlson and Joe "regular guy" Scarborough and now the ditzy blonde Fox reject (Rita Whatsername) that sounds as if she's having a constant asthma attack.

And then there's Fox.
Fox is a 24/7/365 republican propaganda network that has really weak Lefty representation. The few they have are laughable. Consider Sean Hannity's pet monkey, Allan Colmes . He is nothing more than a stereotypical bed wetting milquetoast that Fox slickly uses as representative of what the average Liberal is. (which is like saying all Blacks like fried chicken) Most Liberals I know are hard working blue collar types who would punch your lights out if you called them weak or effeminate.. Far from anything the media uses as stereotypical Liberals.

The bias on TV, radio and newspapers is obvious skewed toward the right wing. Theres no debate here. Its obvious.

So you right wingers like the idiot columnist Brent Bozell , should really just STFU.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Brazilians show what they think of Bush

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Fox news is a joke

The fox folks are laughingstocks. Their numbers are high because people enjoy watching train wrecks and reading the National Enquirer. The people eat that stuff up. I have to admit that once in a while Ill tune in for kicks. I watch for a while and then I feel so much better about my party knowing that we dont need a 24/7/365 network to push propaganda and pump us up . We do it like they did in the good ol days. With our actions. The Reicht oughta try it. But then we all know they cant because that would expose their true agendas. Feel good about yer party Dems. Were real, they are a fleeting , dwindling image they created.

Friday, November 04, 2005

I really do hate Bush

I finally found someone who hated him as much as I do. Its that blend of arrogance and incompetence while the GOP sees what he's doing and could care less.
He's ruined our reputation around the World (anyone see the riots today at Bushs arrival of the free trade talks?) he's ruined our economy and has put us in a terrible debt, a world record sized debt.
He's divided this country like I've never seen before and I was around during Vietnam, nothing compared to this civil war happening in the country today.
He relies on ignorance to push his agenda through. He wants to kill Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, anything that helps the underprivileged .
Ask anyone what his goal is and they just look at ya with this empty stare . The repukes wont say this but they want to kill anything the Fed runs except for the corporate welfare programs to the big multi nationals.
They don't want the rich helping the poor .
Did I mention I hate Bush?
