
Politics and other nonsense

Location: Ohio

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Rush Limbaugh helping us ?

Can you believe the mouthpiece of the GOP is mocking a guy with a disabling disease? Thats a shrewd political move there Rush? Keep it up man. We appreciate the help dumbass.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Operation sign up a young chickenhawk

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Foley. The Democrats blue dress

And now we watch as they defend a molester of children . Just like the GOP leadership proected the molester from prosecution and prying eyes. This is shameful. They allowed this molester to abuse children and decided to wait until after the election to expose him. . Its pretty clear where their priorities are. And they aint with your children.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Bush warned of 911 attacks / ignored them

9/11 Panel Members Weren’t Told of Meeting


Published: October 1, 2006
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 — Members of the Sept. 11 commission said today that they were alarmed that they were told nothing about a White House meeting in July 2001 at which George J. Tenet, then the director of central intelligence, is reported to have warned Condoleezza Rice, then the national security adviser, about an imminent Al Qaeda attack and failed to persuade her to take action.
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Alex Wong/Getty Images
Bob Woodward.

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Details of the previously undisclosed meeting on July 10, 2001, two months before the Sept. 11 terror attacks, were first reported last week in a new book by the journalist Bob Woodward.
The final report from the Sept. 11 commission made no mention of the meeting nor did it suggest there had been such an encounter between Mr. Tenet and Ms. Rice, now secretary of state.
Since release of the book, “State of Denial,” the White House and Ms. Rice have disputed major elements of Mr. Woodward’s account, with Ms. Rice insisting through spokesmen that there had been no such exchange in a private meeting with Mr. Tenet and that he had expressed none of the frustration attributed to him in Mr. Woodward’s book.
“It really didn’t match Secretary Rice’s recollection of the meeting at all,” said Dan Bartlett, counselor to President Bush, in an interview on the CBS News program “Face the Nation.”
“It kind of left us scratching our heads because we don’t believe that’s an accurate account,” he said.
