
Politics and other nonsense

Location: Ohio

Monday, March 20, 2006

Study finds whiny insecure kids = conservative

How to spot a baby conservative
KID POLITICS Whiny children, claims a new study, tend to grow up rigid and traditional. Future liberals, on the other hand ...
Mar. 19, 2006. 10:45 AM
Remember the whiny, insecure kid in nursery school, the one who always thought everyone was out to get him, and was always running to the teacher with complaints? Chances are he grew up to be a conservative.
At least, he did if he was one of 95 kids from the Berkeley area that social scientists have been tracking for the last 20 years. The confident, resilient, self-reliant kids mostly grew up to be liberals.
The study from the Journal of Research Into Personality isn't going to make the UC Berkeley professor who published it any friends on the right. Similar conclusions a few years ago from another academic saw him excoriated on right-wing blogs, and even led to a Congressional investigation into his research funding.
But the new results are worth a look. In the 1960s Jack Block and his wife and fellow professor Jeanne Block (now deceased) began tracking more than 100 nursery school kids as part of a general study of personality. The kids' personalities were rated at the time by teachers and assistants who had known them for months. There's no reason to think political bias skewed the ratings — the investigators were not looking at political orientation back then. Even if they had been, it's unlikely that 3- and 4-year-olds would have had much idea about their political leanings.
A few decades later, Block followed up with more surveys, looking again at personality, and this time at politics, too. The whiny kids tended to grow up conservative, and turned into rigid young adults who hewed closely to traditional gender roles and were uncomfortable with ambiguity.
The confident kids turned out liberal and were still hanging loose, turning into bright, non-conforming adults with wide interests. The girls were still outgoing, but the young men tended to turn a little introspective.
Block admits in his paper that liberal Berkeley is not representative of the whole country. But within his sample, he says, the results hold. He reasons that insecure kids look for the reassurance provided by tradition and authority, and find it in conservative politics. The more confident kids are eager to explore alternatives to the way things are, and find liberal politics more congenial.
In a society that values self-confidence and out-goingness, it's a mostly flattering picture for liberals. It also runs contrary to the American stereotype of wimpy liberals and strong conservatives.
Of course, if you're studying the psychology of politics, you shouldn't be surprised to get a political reaction. Similar work by John T. Jost of Stanford and colleagues in 2003 drew a political backlash. The researchers reviewed 44 years worth of studies into the psychology of conservatism, and concluded that people who are dogmatic, fearful, intolerant of ambiguity and uncertainty, and who crave order and structure are more likely to gravitate to conservatism. Critics branded it the "conservatives are crazy" study and accused the authors of a political bias.
Jost welcomed the new study, saying it lends support to his conclusions. But Jeff Greenberg, a social psychologist at the University of Arizona who was critical of Jost's study, was less impressed.

Bush ignored warnings from the FBI/ pre 911

Taken from a post by kpete at Democratic Underground

Bush Refused to listen to Local FBI warnings before 9/11
Posted by kpete Mon Mar 20th 2006, 10:01 PM ET
FBI agent: Bush's FBI and Justice Dept refused to take Moussaoui seriously pre-9/11by John in DC - 3/20/2006 07:33:00 PM This is possibly the biggest untold, or at least not yet fully tapped, story in Washington. The Bush administration had one of the September 11 terrorists in their hands, before September 11, and refused to listen to local FBI agents' warnings that this guy was planning something big.In the four weeks leading up to September 11, the Bush administration refused to listen to their own agents' warnings that Moussaoui was up to something big.Bush could have stopped September 11 with this information, yet his administration simply let it go, and 3,000 Americans died.Bush likes to cite September 11. Fine, lets cite September 11.He had the power to stop it, and didn't. He had one of the hijackers in his custody, and ignored him.Imagine what the response would be from the mainstream media and from the Republicans had Bill Clinton done nothing while possessing the key to an imminent attack that would take down the World Trade Center and kill 3,000 Americans?

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Repukes vote down port security bill

Strong on security my ass. The bastards are too busy paying corporate welfare to worry about the people.

Moments ago, the House of Representatives narrowly defeated an amendment proposed by Rep. Martin Sabo (D-MN) that would have provided $1.25 billion in desperately needed funding for port security and disaster preparedness. The Sabo amendment included:– $300 million to enable U.S. customs agents to inspect high-risk containers at all 140 overseas ports that ship directly to the United States. Current funding only allows U.S. customs agents to operate at 43 of these ports. – $400 million to place radiation monitors at all U.S. ports of entry. Currently, less than half of U.S. ports have radiation monitors.– $300 million to provide backup emergency communications equipment for the Gulf Coast.Meanwhile, the Bush budget – which most of the members who voted against this bill will likely support – contains an increase of $1.7 billion for missile defense, a program that doesn’t even work. /3:06 P.M. - On agreeing to the Sabo amendment Failed by recorded vote: (Roll No. 56). roll call not out yet

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Poverty and the republican economy

The GOP says its all good. Reality proves otherwise. As poverty skyrockets under the repukes so does the need for help.

Federal aid programs expand at record rate
By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY
Mon Mar 13, 5:32 PM

A sweeping expansion of social programs since 2000 has sparked a record increase in the number of Americans receiving federal government benefits such as college aid, food stamps and health care......

Programs that grew over the past five years are aimed at the under-65 population, especially families earning less than $40,000 a year. For example, the number of mostly low-income college students receiving Pell grants rose 41% over five years to 5.3 million.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Unemployment figures and other lies
A very dismal prospect. No question, this is the dismal end of the science— even for a dismal scientist! But the longer I’ve looked at the numbers and the statistical series as they’ve evolved over the decades, the more that I’ve started finding things in the numbers that most people do not see. One thing that you find when you look into all this is that the federal government is very honest in terms of disclosing what it does. It always footnotes the changes and provides all the fine details. Nonetheless, some of the changes are nothing short of remarkable and the pattern over time is what I call Pollyanna Creep—...What has happened over time is that the methodologies employed to create the widely followed series, such as what used to be called the GNP but is now widely followed as the GDP, the CPI, the employment numbers, all have had biases built into them that result in overstating economic growth and understating inflation— both of which are admirable political goals...Real unemployment right now—figured the way that the average person thinks of unemployment, meaning figured the way it was estimated back during the Great Depression—is running about 12%. Real CPI right now is running at about 8%. And the real GDP probably is in contraction. I venture that if you talked about those numbers now with the average person, they would say that they seem reasonable. If you tell them that people are playing with the official numbers, they say, “Yep, I figured that. There are no great surprises there.” I guess what I am saying is that my work shows that the economic perceptions of non-professionals actually have some real validity; there are in fact reasons for the disconnect between official statistics and what the populous is feeling.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

An Amazing poll result .

In a Poll given to the troops.
Nearly nine of every 10 - 85% - said the U.S. mission is "to retaliate for Saddam's role in the 9-11 attacks,"

Unbelievable. The military has brainwashed the troops with a lie. Saddam had ZERO to do with 911.

Another amazing result was that about 7 of 10 said we should leave Iraq immediately. Wow . I guess these guys need swiftboated for being unpatriotic.

Friday, March 03, 2006

do it yourself abortion manual for South Dakotans
